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Texas NEBB

The Texas chapter of the National Environmental Balancing Bureau (NEBB), headquartered in San Antonio, serves NEBB Certified Firms, Professionals and Technicians located in the State of Texas. NEBB is the premier international certification association for firms that deliver high performance building systems. NEBB’s function is to establish, promote and maintain high quality standards through certification of Firms, Professionals and Technicians. NEBB Certification gives assurance to building owners, architects, engineers and contractors that these firms and their personnel are highly skilled specialists who are able to measure the efficiency of building systems, ensure they perform as designed, and provide customized solutions for improved efficiency.


NEBB Certified Firms provide: testing, adjusting and balancing of heating, ventilating and air-conditioning systems; commissioning and retro-commissioning for building systems; sound and vibration measurement; building enclosure testing; fume hood testing; and cleanroom performance testing. Each discipline is anchored by NEBB Procedural Standards with established guidelines for work to be performed. In addition to Certification to ensure these procedural standards are met, NEBB provides technical publications, specifications, training and continuation education seminars, as well as the NEBB Quality Assurance Program.






The principal duties of this chapter include the following:

  • To abide by the provisions established in the latest edition of the Operational Guide for Chapters as published by the National Environmental Balancing Bureau.

  • To establish and provide educational programs to ensure the highest quality standards are met by NEBB Certified Firm, Professionals, and Technicians.

  • To verify that firms making application for NEBB certification meet the certification requirements established by the National Office and that those already certified continue to meet the NEBB standards, as well as undergo a recertification process every two years.

  • To promote NEBB Certification Programs.

  • To maintain the quality standards established by NEBB.

  • To implement local action as required under the NEBB Quality Assurance Program (QAP).


Established in 1971, the National Environmental Balancing Bureau (NEBB) is the premier international certification association for firms that deliver high performance building systems. Our members perform testing, adjusting and balancing of heating, ventilating and air-conditioning systems, commission and retro-commissioning building systems, execute sound and vibration testing, building enclosure testing, test and certify laboratory fume hoods, and electronic and biological cleanrooms.


Building owners and tenants are concerned about their buildings’ environmental systems, so performance must be at a maximum while costs should be at a minimum. These “green” goals can be accomplished only when a building’s environmental system is properly tested, balanced and/or commissioned by a NEBB Certified Professional or Technician. NEBB’s function is to establish, promote and maintain high quality standards through certification of Firms, Professionals and Technicians.


There are more than 700 NEBB Certified Firms worldwide and over 1,000 NEBB Certified Professionals and Certified Technicians. They are recognized by the industry and building owners as specialists having the skills necessary to measure the efficiency of building systems, and as the leaders in practical knowledge and communication skills for creating customized solutions for business owners. NEBB Certification offers tangible proof of their qualification in the procedures outlined for NEBB disciplines.


NEBB’s certification training and testing programs are the most rigorous in the industry.  NEBB Certified Firms and Professionals have the skills necessary to measure the efficiency of building systems, but also the practical knowledge and communication skills to create practical solutions for business owners.


NEBB began offering testing, adjusting and balancing (TAB) certification in 1971 and has since expanded its programs in response to the needs of the market.  NEBB also offers certification for:

  • Building Enclosure Testing (BET)

  • Building System Commissioning (BX)

  • Cleanroom Performance Testing (CPT)

  • Fume Hood Performance Testing (FHT)

  • Retro-Commissioning (RCx)

  • Vibration Measurement (VM)





NEBB’s credibility is built by maintaining integrity through high standards, quality programs and demonstrated capabilities of its certified firms. This is achieved through NEBB’s Quality Assurance Program (QAP).


The NEBB QAP ensures swift, single-source mediation and resolution of disputes between NEBB Certified Professionals and their customers. Under the QAP, NEBB will intervene on any project if the customer feels that a NEBB Certified Firm has failed to perform in accordance with NEBB Procedural Standards (OPERATIONAL_PROCEDURES).



Chapter of National Environmental Balancing Bureau  |  206 E. Nakoma  |  San Antonio, TX 78216   

210.822.3763  |    |

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